Fancher Falcons - can anyone guess where Mrs. Shiner & Mrs. Rinke started their day? #FalconProud
about 1 year ago, Fancher Elementary
Good afternoon Fancher families, Here is the Fancher Flyer for August 18th, 2023. This has most of the same information from the first email that went out early last week, however additional information was added about lunch menus, school pictures, first day reminders, & FinalForms.
about 1 year ago, Fancher Elementary
First Day Reminders! See you Tuesday Falcons.
about 1 year ago, Fancher Elementary
First Day Reminders
It has been a busy and exciting week! Teachers were back in the building this weekend (after summer construction), working hard to prepare their classrooms for a new groups of students. We reconnected as a staff Monday and welcomed some new faces to our Fancher family. Then our entire team of certified & support staff have spent the last two days together in an amazing professional development called Capturing Kids' Hearts, focusing on making meaningful connections with our students. And we were able to connect with many families and students last night during our open house. Our minds and hearts are ready to bring our very best! #FalconProud #iHeartCKH
about 1 year ago, Fancher Elementary
Back to School Meeting
Rock Paper Scissors
Welcome Back
Pardon the Dust
Fancher Falcon Staff 23-24
We are excited to see our new and returning Fancher Falcons at Open House tonight 6:00-7:30pm. Check-in at your student's grade level door!
about 1 year ago, Fancher Elementary
Fancher Open House
check in at grade level doors
welcome back
Meet our wonderful Special Education Paraprofessionals!
about 1 year ago, Fancher Elementary
Universal FREE Breakfast & Lunch this fall for all students! It is still important to fill out the Education Benefit Form to support important education programs and funding. That form is in FinalForms to fill out this year for your convenience.
about 1 year ago, Fancher Elementary
Free Breakfast & Lunch
Meet our At-Risk Academic & Behavior Support Team!
about 1 year ago, Fancher Elementary
Families be on the lookout for an email from FinalForms that says "Account Confirmation Information." Click to confirm your account and update a password, then complete your "incomplete forms." Current students do not need to be re-enrolled. Education Benefits Form: For the Living Situation question if none of the options apply to you just keep it on "Select" and you can still submit the form.
about 1 year ago, Fancher Elementary
Beat the Heat, August 16th 6-8pm at Chipp-A-Waters Park
about 1 year ago, Fancher Elementary
Beat the Heat
Meet our Fancher Office Staff & Admin Team!
about 1 year ago, Fancher Elementary
If you are interested in ordering spiritwear for your Fancher Falon - check out the online store to place an order. Items are printed locally. Orders due by August 27th.
about 1 year ago, Fancher Elementary
Meet our Special Education Team!
about 1 year ago, Fancher Elementary
Meet our Specials Team!
about 1 year ago, Fancher Elementary
Georgia Spotlight
Yeagley Spotlight
K Spotlight
Schmidt Spotlight
Jakubowski Spotlight
Schlicht Spotlight
Welcome back Fancher Families to a new school year. Here is the first Fancher Flyer of the school year.
about 1 year ago, Fancher Elementary
Here is our 3rd grade Fancher team!
about 1 year ago, Fancher Elementary
Hoyle Spotlight
Robertson Spotlight
Gaughan Spotlight
French Spotlight
Recker Spotlight
Gawenda Spotlight
Upcoming MPPS Open Houses
about 1 year ago, Mount Pleasant Public Schools
MPPS Open Houses
Meet our Fancher 4th grade team! We have a few new faces this school year.
about 1 year ago, Fancher Elementary
Asher Spotlight
Bunting Spotlight
Formsma Spotlight
Kenney Spotlight
Rupe Spotlight
Stevens Spotlight
Fancher Falcons we are excited to welcome you back soon! Be on the lookout for your Welcome Back Letter in mail this week.
about 1 year ago, Fancher Elementary
welcome back letters are in the mail
Over the next week will be introducing you to our amazing Fancher Elementary Staff. Meet our 5th grade team!
about 1 year ago, Fancher Elementary
Dorcey Spotlight
Faber Spotlight
Price Spotlight
Rudert Spotlight
WingBrenner Spotlight