In honor of Mother’s Day, we are teaming up with United Way of Gratiot & Isabella Counties to collect personal care items, cleaning products, and baby items that will be donated to local women in need! Benefiting organizations are Life Choices of Central Michigan, RISE Advocacy, The Care Store and CCN Infant Pantry. Swing by and drop-off your donations anytime from now through May 15! If you can’t make it and want to help, you can text MOM to 40403 to make a contribution.
4 months ago, Fancher Elementary
United for Moms Shopping List
Good morning Fancher Families, Here is the Fancher Flyer 4.29.24 for this week. We are still collecting gift cards for Teacher Appreciation Week which we will celebrate next week. Have a great Monday!
4 months ago, Fancher Elementary
GRASP Workbook forms and payment are due today in the front office.
4 months ago, Fancher Elementary
GRASP Order Form
Hi Fancher Families, We are gearing up to celebrate our Fancher Teachers & Staff during Teacher Appreciation - Week May 6th-10th. We are currently asking families and community members if they would like to help us thank our incredible educators by donating a $15-20 gift card to any restaurant or business (ex. Biggby, Jimmy Johns, Target, local eateries or businesses). Or families could donate via cash or check to Fancher Elementary PTO to the front office at Fancher by dropping off or sending in with their student by April 30th. Last year we were able to gift every staff member with a gift card during Teacher Appreciation Week. We appreciate all your support and help as we gear up to celebrate our staff. Thanks, Fancher Elementary PTO
4 months ago, Fancher Elementary
Teacher Appreciation Week May 6-10th
Fancher Elementary's Student Council will be running an internal collection drive for United for Moms from May 1st to May 15th. What is United for Moms? In honor of Mother’s Day, United Way is hosting a community-wide collection drive during the month of May. We will be collecting personal care items, cleaning products, and baby items that will be given to local women in need. Together, we can extend the loving power of moms to every child and build a better future for all! All collected items would be distributed to designated agencies, including The Care Store, Community Compassion Network, Life Choices of Central Michigan, and RISE.
5 months ago, Fancher Elementary
United for Moms May 1st-15th
United for Moms Shopping List
February Falcons of the Month
5 months ago, Fancher Elementary
February Falcons of the Month
February Falcons of the Month
February Falcons of the Month
Today our students started taking their state assessments, M-STEP. They are working hard to "Finish Strong" - giving extra effort to make it through to the end, which is our Capturing Kids' Heart theme for the month of April. We made sure here at school we provided the best testing environment for them and reminded them how much we believe in them. Each student received a Perseverance Bracelet and a Stick With It Note, with positive affirmation sticker. Thank you to families for making sure your student had a good night sleep and thank you to those who have donated healthy snacks to classrooms. We appreciate you all!
5 months ago, Fancher Elementary
Finish Strong - Perseverance
Perseverance Bracelet
Testing Schedule
Stick With It
Here is the Fancher Flyer for 4.16.24. See more information inside for Teacher/Staff Appreciation Week donations, M-STEP Testing, important calendar dates, GRASP forms due April 26th, Falcons of the Month and more.
5 months ago, Fancher Elementary
Teacher Appreciation Week
Thanks to our a few of our Assistant Principals for helping Mrs. Rinke celebrate of Falcons of the Month for March. They called down students to the office over the PA system today. A group of students have used dojo points to purchase Assistant Principal from the Fancher School Store!
5 months ago, Fancher Elementary
Assistant Principals
Culture Night 2024, thank you to our students and families for sharing their traditions and culture, it was a wonderful night.
5 months ago, Fancher Elementary
culture night
culture night
culture night
culture night
culture night
culture night
culture night
culture night
culture night
culture night
It looks like the weather is going to be beautiful tomorrow (Monday, April 8th) as our Fancher students and staff will be safely viewing the Solar Eclipse with district provided solar eclipse glasses. Students will be able to view the eclipse with their classroom sometime between 2pm and 3:15pm. They will also be able to take their glasses home with them. If you do not want your student to participate, please email your student's teacher.
5 months ago, Fancher Elementary
Total Solar Eclipse Viewing at Fancher
Reach out to your student's teacher
Solar Eclipse
Letter from MPPS
Letter from MPPS
Safely View Solar Eclipse
Fancher's Cultural Night is next Wednesday, April 10th 6-7pm. If your family would like to present an aspect of your culture at the event, please complete the sign-up form that was sent home with your child and return it to school by this Friday, April 5th. If you need another copy, please ask your child's teacher. Families can also attend the event as guests. (see picture attached)
5 months ago, Fancher Elementary
Culture Night April 10th
Today we celebrated World Down Syndrome Day by wearing unique, colorful or mismatched socks. Throughout the day we learned more about Down syndrome with facts being shared over the announcements.
5 months ago, Fancher Elementary
Rocks Your Socks
Rocks Your Socks
Rock Your Socks
That's a wrap on a fantastic Reading Month! Students and families enjoyed reading Dog Days during March for our One District One Book family/community engagement focus. We welcomed Career Guest Readers, many Mystery Guest Readers, and even a 3rd grade visit with author of Turtle of Michigan, Naomi Shihab Nye. We gave away about 250 prizes today to celebrate the end of reading month and to thank/recognize students who participated in our One District, One Book initiative. And throughout the month we have another 250 prizes away to students for classroom winners of the daily Reading Month trivia. Many students enjoyed reading a book today in their classroom all cozy in their pjs with a blanket. It was a great way to celebrate reading month as we head into spring break. Thank you families & students for your participation! Keep reading.
5 months ago, Fancher Elementary
Reading Month PJ Day
Reading Forts
Mystery Guest Readers
Mystery Guest Readers
Mystery Guest Readers
Mystery Guest Readers
Reading Month Prizes
Mystery Guest Reader
Reading Prizes
2024-2025 MPPS Calendar
6 months ago, Fancher Elementary
24-25 MPPS Calendar
Fancher Flyer 3.19.24. Reminder there is No School this Friday, March 22nd. Have a wonderful and safe spring break. See the family newsletter for updates on spring testing schedule, Culture Night sign-up, Teacher Appreciation Week, GRASP summer workbook orders, yearbook orders, and more.
6 months ago, Fancher Elementary
Join our Guest Reader, 3rd grade teacher Mrs. French, for our final chapter of Dog Days.
6 months ago, Fancher Elementary
4th & 5th graders today heard the OK2SAY presentation, Michigan's Student Safety program. Our presenter today focused on the difference between tattling and reporting, safety online, as well as the difference between being mean/rude vs. bullying, and cyberbullying. #stopbullying #ok2say
6 months ago, Fancher Elementary
Wear Green tomorrow.
6 months ago, Fancher Elementary
wear green
Little League sign-ups.
6 months ago, Fancher Elementary
Little League Sign Ups