Visitor Procedures

To ensure the safety and security of our students and staff and the orderly operation of the Mt Pleasant Public Schools, all visitors to our schools during the school day are required to follow the district's visitor procedures. Please take time to review the visitation procedures.

  • If you are planning to visit a classroom or other area of the school building during the school day, you should call the building office and pre-register for an appointment prior to the date of the visit. Absent an emergency, requests to meet with a classroom teacher or other staff member should be made at least 24 hours in advance to allow the school sufficient time to make arrangements for substitute coverage, as necessary.  Visitor requests can only be approved by the building principal or designee.

  • Upon arrival at the school building, all visitors must register in the building's main office before proceeding to any other part of the building.

  • As part of the registration process in the main office, all visitors will be asked to sign the visitor register and state the reason for the visit. 

  • Once registered, the visitor will be issued a Visitor Identification Badge, which must be displayed at all times while the visitor remains in the school building or on school premises.

  • Visitors must remain in approved areas only and at all times act in a manner appropriate to the safe functioning of the school environment. Any individual who engages in uncooperative or disruptive behavior will be required to leave the premises. 

  • Upon conclusion of the visit, the visitor must return to the main office, sign out on the Visitor Register and return the visitor badge. 

The District reserves the right to deny an individual entry to any school building, when there is reason to believe that such as an individual's presence would be detrimental to the operation of the school and the learning environment.