Terms and Procedures in the Event of a School Emergency

 During the initial response, school personnel are usually first on the scene. Staff and faculty will take charge and manage the incident until it is resolved or command is transferred to someone more qualified and/or to an emergency responder agency with legal authority to assume responsibility. Staff and faculty will seek guidance and direction from local officials and may seek technical assistance from local, state, and federal agencies and industry where applicable. 

The principal or designee is responsible for activating the Mount Pleasant Public Schools EOP, including common and specialized procedures, as well as hazard-specific procedures. These immediate actions may include:

 Standard Security (all of the time)

  • Exterior doors are secured, entrances are monitored and buzzer systems are being utilized. Classroom doors are locked at all times. 

Secure Mode

  • When an occurrence in the building or in the vicinity may be deemed a potential concern. All exterior doors and windows are locked, outside activities are cancelled. Inside activities continue as close to normal as possible, under the direction of administration.


  • When a person or situation presents an immediate threat to students/staff in or near the building. All exterior doors and classroom doors are locked and students/staff stay in their offices, work areas, and classrooms.

Evacuation (Fire, explosion, hazardous material spill inside, structural failure, etc.)

  • When conditions are safer outside than inside a building.  Requires all staff/students to leave the building immediately.

Shelter in Place (Tornado)

  • When conditions are safer inside the building than outside. For severe weather sheltering, students/staff are held in the building safe areas, such as interior rooms or a basement, away from windows.  For hazardous material release outdoors with toxic vapors, students/staff are to remain in their classrooms, with windows and doors sealed and all ventilation systems shut off. Limited movement may be allowed. Taking shelter inside a sealed building is highly effective in keeping students/staff safe.