Wear your hats tomorrow, Mustangs, as it is HAT DAY-Spirit Day sponsored by our Student Council.
over 1 year ago, McGuire Elementary Principal-Erin King
Hat Day
Join us in our next Spirit Day sponsored by our Student Council-Hat Day is May 11!
over 1 year ago, McGuire Elementary Principal-Erin King
Hat Day
McGuire May Students of the Month-Stay tuned for pictures from our Book Vending Machine as these students all get to pick out a free book! So proud of these Mustangs! https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/15gpY5JF2oGCcho0RZCjKmtBmBj4M6Ry3zZ2b7fSM6DA/edit?usp=sharing
over 1 year ago, McGuire Elementary Principal-Erin King
Check out a Mom2Mom sale sponsored by the MPHS band!
over 1 year ago, McGuire Elementary Principal-Erin King
Mom2 Mom sale
McGuire Minute 5.1.23 https://www.smore.com/snteu
over 1 year ago, McGuire Elementary Principal-Erin King
McGuire Minute 4.20.23 https://www.smore.com/k60qy
over 1 year ago, McGuire Elementary Principal-Erin King
Spirit Day tomorrow for the Mustangs! Wear your Sports Gear!
over 1 year ago, McGuire Elementary Principal-Erin King
Sports Day
Celebrate a Spirit Day with us by wearing your Sports Gear on April 12!
over 1 year ago, McGuire Elementary Principal-Erin King
Sports Day
See you soon, Mustangs! Hope you had a great week off!
over 1 year ago, McGuire Elementary Principal-Erin King
Welcome back
Enjoy your week off, Mustangs!
over 1 year ago, McGuire Elementary Principal-Erin King
Spring Break
Reminder-no school tomorrow!
over 1 year ago, McGuire Elementary Principal-Erin King
Check out the latest McGuire Minute for 3.21.23. Reminder that there is no school on Friday, March 24. https://www.smore.com/w72c6
over 1 year ago, McGuire Elementary Principal-Erin King
Wear your pj's tomorrow to celebrate Reading Month Spirit Days!
over 1 year ago, McGuire Elementary Principal-Erin King
PJ day
Wear crazy socks and sock it to me with a Good Book!
over 1 year ago, McGuire Elementary Principal-Erin King
Crazy Socks
Tomorrow is the MPPS Movie Event from 11am-1pm. See YOU there!
over 1 year ago, McGuire Elementary Principal-Erin King
Movie Event
Book-nic is TOMORROW from 12-12:40! Bring a blanket, beach towel, and your favorite books to read if you like. Classrooms will also have books available for students to read. You are welcome to bring a special lunch for your student if you would like and we would love to see you!
over 1 year ago, McGuire Elementary Principal-Erin King
Book nic
Wear Green tomorrow!
over 1 year ago, McGuire Elementary Principal-Erin King
Wear green
Wear your Mustang Blue and Gold!
over 1 year ago, McGuire Elementary Principal-Erin King
school spirit
Be a reading JEANious and wear jeans!
over 1 year ago, McGuire Elementary Principal-Erin King
wear jeans
Don't forget about our McGuire Book-nic lunch on March 17 from 12-12:40! Bring a blanket, beach towel, and your favorite books to read if you like. Classrooms will also have books available for students to read. You are welcome to bring a special lunch for your student if you would like and we would love to see you!
over 1 year ago, McGuire Elementary Principal-Erin King
Book nic