Show your school spirit tomorrow! Can't wait to see our Mustang TWINS!
over 2 years ago, McGuire Elementary Principal-Erin King
Twin Day
We had our last check in before the end of our our PTO fundraiser. Please bring in money that you have collected as well as any remaining cards on Thursday, October 13th. Just a reminder that discount cards being sold include Biggby ($20), Culver’s ($20), or Tropical Smoothie ($25). Keep in mind the GREAT prizes that Mustangs can earn for the cards they sell! We can't wait to see who our top sellers are, which classroom is our winning classroom regarding earnings, and how these earnings can benefit McGuire. Go, Mustangs-you have 5 more days!
over 2 years ago, McGuire Elementary Principal-Erin King
Our most popular Mustang found his favorite spot---in the Calming Corner! Oh, how we love Rig!
over 2 years ago, Erin King
Mustang families, invitations were sent home for our family event, Math Pumpkin Night at the Pumpkin Patch sponsored by Title I! Please pre-register by October 14th! You can do so, by scanning the QR code on the invitation that was sent home, or click the link below to navigate to the registration form.
over 2 years ago, McGuire Elementary Principal-Erin King
Family Math Night
Show your school SPIRIT next week on Wednesday!
over 2 years ago, McGuire Elementary Principal-Erin King
Twin Day
We would LOVE to have you! Come sub with us at McGuire Elementary!
over 2 years ago, Erin King
Sub Information
Don't forget to sign up for Parent Teacher Conferences! Check the email from your child's teacher to sign up. See you soon at our virtual PT Conf!
over 2 years ago, Erin King
PT Conf
McGuire and Fancher are hiring an At-Risk Paraprofessional. See flyer for more information.
over 2 years ago, Erin King
Hiring an AtRisk Para
Join us for our Title I Family Math Night at Papa's Pumpkin Patch on October 19 from 4:30-6:00pm. Be sure to register by October 14 so you can join us and participate in the fun! We will have stations set up that will test your math brains as you and your family enjoy a visit to the pumpkin patch!! After completing the activities we have planned for you, each family will be given a ticket to use to help you pick your own pumpkin. We hope you will join us for this fun event!
over 2 years ago, Erin King
Family Math Night
We are so excited to honor these Students of the Month today at McGuire Elementary. They have shown that they are amazing in many ways and we are so proud of our Mustangs. Mustangs are MAGIC-showing Motivation, Action, Generosity, Integrity, and Character. Keep it up!
over 2 years ago, McGuire Elementary Principal-Erin King
Student of the Month
Student of the Month
Check out the latest edition of the McGuire Minute-10.3.22!
over 2 years ago, Erin King
So many Mustang students and staff were sporting the color Orange to honor our Indigenous students and families on September 30th. Every child matters!!
over 2 years ago, McGuire Elementary Principal-Erin King
orange shirt day
orange shirt day
Check out our 2022-2023 McGuire Student Council! These students are already making a different and are going to do GREAT things. Can't wait to see how they make the world around them a better place!
over 2 years ago, McGuire Elementary Principal-Erin King
Student Council
Don't forget Mustangs, no school Monday, September 26! Staff is working hard to learn at Professional Development on Monday and we are excited to see you back at McGuire on Tuesday!
over 2 years ago, Erin King
No School-Monday September 26
Mustang MAGIC Winners!!
over 2 years ago, McGuire Elementary Principal-Erin King
Mustang MAGIC winners
Come support all of our Oilers/Mustangs at the Homecoming Parade today downtown at 4:30pm. Can't wait to see you there!
over 2 years ago, Erin King
Homecoming Parade, Friday, September 23 4:30pm
Coming soon from a Mustang near you! We are having a McGuire Fundraiser in which we will be selling Tropical Smoothie, Culvers, and Biggby Discount Cards. We would love to have you help us reach our goal of selling 1,500 cards as a school. Holler if you would like one of these discount cards full of lots of savings! Fundraiser begins Sept. 22 and goes through Oct. 13.
over 2 years ago, Erin King
McGuire Fundraiser
Can't wait to see our Mustangs all decked out for Homecoming Spirit Week!
over 2 years ago, McGuire Elementary Principal-Erin King
Homecoming Spirit Week Dress up Days
Reminder to our Mustangs that Spirit Days start tomorrow, Friday, September 16th, with Red, White, and Blue Day for Constitution Day. Let's see your school spirit!
over 2 years ago, Erin King
Red, White and Blue Day for Constitution Day-Friday, September 16
Our newest Positive Office Referral! So proud💙💛!!
over 2 years ago, McGuire Elementary Principal-Erin King
positive office referral