We had such a great turn out at our Carnival on Thursday! Here are some photos from the night! If you have more photos please send them to your teacher! https://photos.app.goo.gl/XnZL6vMgGNweu3s97
over 1 year ago, Ganiard Elementary
Parents, we are looking for your assistance on June 2 for our fun packed Field Day for the kids! We are looking for parents to help run our field day stations to ensure our Ganiard Gators are having the best time. If you are interested in volunteering, please click on the following link to register: https://forms.gle/nPoh9v7Hq4nXJ9M28 We will follow up with parent volunteers a week prior to Field Day, to provide more information on what to expect and what each station entails. If you have any questions on field day, please contact Steve Hofer at shofer@mp.edzone.net
over 1 year ago, Ganiard Elementary
Field Day
Thank you Ms. Kim and Ms. Jessica for all that you do for us! We are very thankful for you both!
over 1 year ago, Ganiard Elementary
Event tonight! Hope to see you there Gators!
over 1 year ago, Ganiard Elementary
Carnival Raffle Basket sneak peak. If you are unable to make it tomorrow, make sure you check out how to preorder raffle tickets in the video! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=63lrW6BrFNo
over 1 year ago, Ganiard Elementary
We are looking for some help with getting some treats for our teachers for Teacher Appreciation week starting Monday! If you are able to help out, please sign up for a spot to donate. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gDZlQHffw64kHWZTUnQbLEpXHbUDDFEERiFxQ7XtGuM/edit?usp=sharing
over 1 year ago, Ganiard Elementary
Carnival is just around the corner https://youtu.be/3HAhsLCFBE8
over 1 year ago, Ganiard Elementary
Gators-- make sure you are dressing for the weather especially for recess! Some grades go out in the morning!
over 1 year ago, Ganiard Elementary
Our Carnival is coming up on Thursday! Check this out if you can help donate to it!
over 1 year ago, Ganiard Elementary
Happy School Principal Day to Mrs. Stout! Thank you for all that you do for Ganiard!
over 1 year ago, Ganiard Elementary
Check out Mrs. Stout's newsletter! Enjoy your weekend Gators!
over 1 year ago, Ganiard Elementary
Check out this Friendship Gram that is coming home tonight! :) https://youtube.com/shorts/9R5Cye0G64s?feature=share
over 1 year ago, Ganiard Elementary
We are so blessed here to have Mrs. Morrow and Mrs. Cline in our office! Thank you for all that you two do for staff and students! ❤️
over 1 year ago, Ganiard Elementary
Katie Candra
Check out this flyer that is coming home today about our upcoming event!!
over 1 year ago, Ganiard Elementary
Mrs. Gudeman's Class spent time today cleaning around the school for Earth Day! Way to go!! 🌎
over 1 year ago, Ganiard Elementary
clean up
Our Gators have been working hard this month and we celebrated with our Gator Swap! Check out some of the fun activities we got to pick from! https://photos.app.goo.gl/s4zfxE8291GJhCET7
over 1 year ago, Ganiard Elementary
Get excited Gators for popcorn on Friday!! :)
over 1 year ago, Ganiard Elementary
Have a child that is ready for Junior Kindergarten or Kindergarten?
over 1 year ago, Ganiard Elementary
Kick Off
Check out this event!
over 1 year ago, Ganiard Elementary
Mrs Zeneberg's Kindergartners have been working so hard in writing with making list and writing invitations. Staff members got invitations in their mailbox to come join the celebration! Great job Kindergarteners!!
over 1 year ago, Ganiard Elementary